Topic: Autism
Instructor: Amy Coffin
Method: Online (OWRK)
Sponsor: OCALI
Center Offered: OLPD

Course Description:

Research supports the effectiveness of certain interventions with individuals with ASD, also known as evidence­based practices (EBP). By completing this online course you will learn some of the most commonly used EBPs. This is the second of two courses on EBPs using the AIM modules.

Course Notes:

Registration ends 7/21/23

After completing the two-part registration using AIM (autisminternetmodules.org) and the Ashland University system, you will have access to complete the course on the AIM website. For more information, please contact amy_bixler@ocali.org.


Within 24 hours of registering for a PD course, you'll be able to access your student account using Self-Service Ashland. There, you'll find printable financial statements and grade reports, plus a link for requesting transcripts, once your grades have posted. Instructions for establishing or resetting your login can be found HERE

 If you have a tuition waiver voucher or would prefer to mail your payment: Please click HERE for a registration form. Please mail that along with your payment and/or voucher to the Main Campus address. Vouchers are worth $166 when applied to PD courses.

 Contact Ashland Professional Development to update your email address or with other needs: pds@ashland.edu

Course Documents:
Tuition: $225
Timespan of Course:
May 8, 2023 to August 18, 2023
Contact E-mail: amy_bixler@ocali.org

Meeting Times

  • Location of Meeting: 

Register Now

Course Number: EDU*6132*M11
Academic Term: 23/GW
Academic Level: GW
Semester Hours: 1.00
Subject: EDU