Topic: Behavior Management/Social Skills
Instructor: Jodi Slonaker
Method: Online (OWRK)
Sponsor: Teach n' Kids Learn, Inc.
Center Offered: OLPD

Course Description:

Developing Responsible Decision-Making Skills

Each day, we make thousands of choices, some of them unconscious, others we are keenly aware of. Many of our choices lead to positive outcomes and, of course, some do not! As teachers, we make many professional decisions on a daily basis: decisions about what and how to teach, what to say or not to say to students and colleagues, how to manage our classrooms, and more. We also are aware of student choices and how those affect us and the other students in the classroom. Responsible decision making on the part of students helps keep the classroom running smoothly and helps with classroom management.

 Responsible decision making is one of five core competencies identified by the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL). Social Emotional Learning, or SEL, can be defined as the ability to understand, monitor and regulate emotions. Teaching social emotional learning, then, is helping students to attain the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors that people need to make successful choices. When students have developed social emotional skills, they are better able to manage their emotions, seek help when needed, develop positive relationships, and problem solve in difficult situations. Responsible decision making is a key competency and aspect of SEL.

 Responsible decision making is a life skill that all students will need for the rest of their lives. In order to make decisions, people need to take into account a variety of factors, including their own values and concerns, the various choices that are available to them, and the consequences of what those decisions might be. Decisions students make, from the most simple, routine decisions made on a daily basis, to the decisions that may impact them for the rest of their lives, involve a process that is unconscious to many students. By making this skill explicit to students, and by helping them to practice these skills in the classroom, we will help them to be more successful in school and in the future in general.


Contact Jodi at  for more information



Course Location:


Within 24 hours of registering for a PD course, you'll receive an email from your instructor that contains your course access information.

You'll be able to access your student account using Self-Service Ashland. There, you'll find printable financial statements and grade reports, plus a link for requesting transcripts, once your grades have posted. Instructions for establishing or resetting your login can be found HERE

If you have a tuition waiver voucher or would prefer to mail your payment:

Please click HERE for a registration form. Please mail that along with your payment and/or voucher to the Main Campus address. Vouchers are worth $166 when applied to PD courses.

Contact Ashland Professional Development to update your email address or with other needs:


Course Documents:
Cost: $400
Timespan of Course:
September 1, 2020 to August 31, 2021
Contact E-mail:

Meeting Times

  • Location of Meeting:
Register Now
Course Number: EDU*6130*X16
Academic Term: 21/GW
Academic Level: GW
Semester Hours: 2.00
Subject: EDU