Topic: Curriculum and Instruction
Instructor: James Powell
Method: Face to Face (WRK)
Sponsor: AU Elyria Center
Center Offered: APD
Course Description:
Learn about vernal pools in Ohio through breakout sessions, field trips, and keynote presentations and network with experts
and enthusiasts over the 2.5 day conference. One graduate or continuing education credit hour is available to document your
involvement in Vernal Poolooza 2022. This is a great opportunity for a resume booster, documentation of professional
development or evidence of hours of learning if needed for educators, students, etc. You'll need to participate in sessions on
both Thursday and Friday and complete a written summary discussing reflections from the conference and how you'll apply
them (e.g., in your occupation, on your property, as a hobby, etc.).
Course Documents:
Tuition: $185
Timespan of Course:
March 24, 2022 to April 25, 2022
Contact E-mail:
Meeting Times
- Location of Meeting:Salt Fork Lodge and Conference Center, Cambridge OH 43725
Course Number: EDU*6200*E3
Academic Term: 22/GW
Academic Level: GW
Semester Hours: 1.00
Subject: EDU