Brain Based Teach/Learn

Instructor: JoAnn Berkowitz
Method: Online (OWRK)
Center Offered: EPD

Course Description:

Participants will gain skills and knowledge in providing instruction and interventions utilizing strategies and systems based on most  current brain and learning research.  Understanding the brains adaptability, integration and sophitication and its impact on teaching will be shared and how to construct lessons in critical thinking, focused instruction, guided instruction, inductive learning for greatest student success.  Areas of motivation, engagement, developing social/emotional skills and tools to assist in these areas will also be reviewed.

Course Documents:
Tuition: $480
Timespan of Course:
September 1, 2022 to August 31, 2023
Contact E-mail:

Meeting Times

  • Location of Meeting: 
To register for this course, please click on the link which will forward you to JMB Associates company site for you to complete Ashland University enrollment and course payment.  Receipt and enrollment email will be sent to you upon completion of process.


Course Number: EDU*6320*E1
Academic Term: 23/GW
Academic Level: GW
Semester Hours: 3.00
Subject: EDU