Topic: Autism
Instructor: Carly McVey
Method: Online (OWRK)
Sponsor: OCALI
Center Offered: OLPD

Course Description:

Foundations of Evidence-Based Strategies: School Age

During the elementary and middle school years, students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are developing skills in many areas that will impact their futures. This course presents evidence-based strategies for the professionals who work with them through videos that have been filmed in school, home, and community environments. It starts with an introductory module, Many Faces of Autism, which addresses the characteristics of ASD, dispels common misconceptions through the experiences and perspectives of people on the autism spectrum, and provides an overview of five simple strategies that can be used by anyone. Learners then proceed through the School Age course and complete nine modules which focus on a range of social-communication and behavioral intervention practices and strategies through real world videos and interviews with experts, practitioners, individuals with ASD, and their families. 

Registration Ends 7/21/23

Course Notes:

You will register for the course using this Ashland University system and by creating an account on the Autism Certification Center site ( You will begin the coursework by completing the Many Faces of Autism and then continuing on to the School Age course. Both must be completed to receive the 1.00 semester hours of credit. For more information, please contact


Within 24 hours of registering for a PD course, you'll be able to access your student account using Self-Service Ashland. There, you'll find printable financial statements and grade reports, plus a link for requesting transcripts, once your grades have posted. Instructions for establishing or resetting your login can be found HERE

 If you have a tuition waiver voucher or would prefer to mail your payment: Please click HERE for a registration form. Please mail that along with your payment and/or voucher to the Main Campus address. Vouchers are worth $166 when applied to PD courses.

 Contact Ashland Professional Development to update your email address or with other needs:

Course Documents:
Cost: $225
Timespan of Course:
May 8, 2023 to August 18, 2023
Contact E-mail:

Meeting Times

  • Location of Meeting:

Register Now

Course Number: EDU*6132*T11
Academic Term: 23/GW
Academic Level: GW
Semester Hours: 1.00
Subject: EDU