Storytelling Using Word

Topic: Technology
Instructor: Dan Hoffman
Method: Online (OWRK)
Sponsor: AU Northeast Center
Center Offered: SKPD

Course Description:

Teachers will learn how to easily engage their students in designing stories and or documentary presentation using Microsoft Word.  This course will allow the student authors to use 21st Century teaching concepts.  The stories may be in paper format and video or both.  This class will truly allow the teacher to better utilize the Microsoft software in their classroom.  I will assist you anyway I can so that you may take this course with little if any problems.  If you need for me to travel to your school to support you I am able to do that.  You will discover all examples and instructional videos on the website that accompanies this course.

All lessons must be submitted to me three weeks after signing up for the class.

 Before starting the course contact Dan Hoffman at for more information or questions.

Click link below to view course description or access course content.     

Course Documents:
Cost: $185
Timespan of Course:
September 1, 2023 to August 31, 2024
Contact E-mail:

Meeting Times

  • Location of Meeting: 

Register Now

Course Number: EDU*6250*X1X
Academic Term: 24/GW
Academic Level: GW
Semester Hours: 1.00
Subject: EDU